Mount Pleasant Primary School


Reception Class

Welcome and thank you for visiting our Reception Class page!

Mount Pleasant Reception aims to create an attractive and stimulating learning environment where children feel happy, confident, secure and challenged.

At Mount Pleasant Reception, our children learn and play in one big, happy cohort with two teachers, one Higher Level Teaching Assistant, one full time and one part time  Teaching Assistant. Our children have the opportunity to play and learn across the two classroom areas and the outdoor areas during their busy days.

Prime Areas

Communication and Language

We enjoy listening to and joining in with songs, stories and rhymes. We are working hard to develop our language skills to talk about what we see, hear and feel.

Physical Development

We have been using the hall and outdoor area to help us develop our climbing, swinging, hanging and sliding skills. When we exercise we talk about what happens to our bodies and why.

We are trying hard to get dressed independently, even though we need a little help with our tricky buttons.

We are developing our fine motor control by using different tools and equipment such as threading, posting, manipulating dough and learning to write. These skills are all very important in helping us to stay fit and healthy.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

We have been learning to respect ourselves and others by participating in circle time. We listen to and share lots of stories that talk about emotions and feelings.

We have been learning about the importance of relationships and friendships. We have made lots of new friends in class and are encouraged to look after ourselves and others, play nicely, turn-take and share.

Specific Areas


Writing is fun in the Foundation Stage. We use clipboards, notepads, post-it notes, whiteboards, paints and chalk in our work. We are always busy writing invitations, letters, posters and cards to our friends. We love to read and share stories with our friends.


We have been busy counting and playing with numbers. We are working hard to recognise and order our numbers to 20. We are learning to add and subtract.

We have been creating patterns using the beads and blocks. We have been making models with the 3d shapes and pictures with the 2d shapes. When in the sand and water we have been measuring out quantities using different sized containers.

Understanding of the World

We have been exploring the seasons using our senses. We have visited forest school and looked at the changing seasons.

We have observing different types of animals finding out about their habitats.

We have been working with a range of wet and dry materials such as sand, water, clay, 'gloop' and compost. We use a range of ICT equipment and particularly like the interactive whiteboard, walkie talkies, phones, Bee bots and cameras.

Expressive Arts and Design

We have been creating our own models, collages; paintings and drawings. We enjoy acting out stories using role play, small world and construction. We love having the freedom to explore materials, tools and techniques. We express our ideas and talk about our creations. We sing songs, dance and make music.

How We Learn

At Mount Pleasant we encourage our pupils to explore and have a go at new things, they are expected to become involved with their learning, concentrating, enjoying and achieving. We encourage them to have their own ideas, make links and choose ways to do things.



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