Mount Pleasant Primary School

Religious Education

Curriculum Subject Lead - Mrs H Poole

'Now, more so than ever, it is vital that young people are able to understand themselves within the context of a diverse society so that they are equipped to be active citizens with the confidence to participate with peers whose background can often be different to their own.' (Dudley Agreed Syllabus 2023) 

The intention of the Religious Education curriculum at Mount Pleasant Primary School is to develop our pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We aim to promote positive relationships through respect and open-mindedness towards others with different faiths and beliefs. We also encourage pupils to develop their sense of identity and belonging through self-awareness and reflection. The RE curriculum is also about ‘belonging’ and here at Mount Pleasant, we want our pupils to show compassion as they reflect on their own beliefs and appreciate differences between themselves and the children around them. Our curriculum aims to nurture pupils’ awareness of diversity as well as sensitivity to the questions and challenges that different views and cultures can present. Our principle aim of teaching RE is to engage pupils in an enquiry approach where they can develop an understanding and appreciation for the beliefs, cultural practices and influence of principle religions, faiths and worldviews in the local and wider global community.  

 The key aims for Religious Education are reflected in the two attainment targets:  

  •      Learning about religion and belief.
  •      Learning from religion and belief. 

Religious Education is a compulsory subject and forms part of the National Curriculum. The Religious Education syllabus used at Mount Pleasant follows the Dudley Agreed Syllabus for Key Stage 1 and 2 created by SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education).

RE at Mount Pleasant

Mount Pleasant RE Curriculum