Physical Education
Curriculum Lead - Mrs L Smith
At Mount Pleasant we aim to inspire all children to be active by providing a positive and motivating experience during PE lessons. Our curriculum is broad and teaches new skills as well as developing existing skills. Respect and compassion are at the heart of P.E and sport at Mount Pleasant.
We encourage children to be physically confident and teach them about health, well-being and the importance of fitness. In doing so, children will be motivated and equipped with the tools to continue with lifelong activity when they leave Mount Pleasant. They will understand the importance of physical activity for both body and mind.
Many of our school values, including pride, honesty, relationships and resilience are embedded throughout our delivery of PE. Children learn the importance of honesty and to build strong relationships through the teaching of team sports in Years 3 – 6. Children are encouraged to show resilience when learning or improving a skill, in order to be the best that they can be.
We celebrate the aspirations, successes and talents of children in their sporting pursuits outside school and offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities throughout the year.
Physical Education at Mount Pleasant
National Curriculum
At Mount Pleasant we follow the National Curriculum programme of study for key stages 1 and 2.
The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:
- Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- Are physically active for sustained periods of time
- Engage in competitive sports and activities
- Lead healthy, active lives