Mount Pleasant Primary School

Pupil Premium

What is it?

The Pupil Premium is funding allocated to schools for the specific purpose of boosting the attainment and progress of disadvantaged pupils. Funding is given to schools in addition to our main school funding and is allocated for each child who is currently receiving Free School Meals (FSM), those who have received FSM in the past and for Children Looked After.

Children attending our Nursery may also be eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium Funding which can be used to enrich a child's early education. This may be used to purchase equipment to support children's language development or to train staff to develop skills to improve areas of learning such as social and emotional development.

Schools are able to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit, since they are best-placed to monitor and assess what each child would benefit from both socially and academically in order to ensure that each child should reach their full potential.

We are required to publish online information about how we have used this funding which you can find below.

Our Strategy for using the Pupil Premium Effectively

We plan carefully to ensure that we use our funding as effectively as possible and this is agreed by our Governing Body.

Our Nominated Governor for Pupil Premium is Mrs K Garratt.

Each year we:

  • Identify any possible barriers to progress and attainment faced by each pupil.
  • Use evidence and recent research to find out what is the most effective way to support these pupils.
  • We evaluate our previous approaches to identify what has worked well and what did not.
  • Priority is given to children who receive pupil premium funding for a variety of targeted interventions.

The progress of this group of children is closely monitored and all staff are aware of the children who attract Pupil Premium funding within their cohort.



Pupil Premium Report and Impact 2021-22    

Pupil Premium Report December 2022

Pupil Premium Report and Impact 2022-23

Pupil Premium Report December 2023


Pupil Premium Report and Impact 2023-24

Pupil Premium Report December 2024